Dan Travous
County Sheriff
(618) 594-4555
Send Message

Office Hours:
8:00am – 4:30pm

Mailing Address:
Sheriff Dan Travous
810 Franklin Street
Carlyle, IL 62231

(618) 594-4556
Fax: 618-594-5574

General Information:


Links & Resources


Courthouse Regulations:

Court Security:

Court Security Deputies are responsible for the security and control of entrance, exit and to maintain order within the courtrooms and offices of the Clinton County Courthouse. Deputies assigned to the Courthouse may serve warrants – order of protection information and other general assignments as directed by the Sheriff of Clinton County.


Cell phones – recording devices – photographic devices – weapons of any type are considered contraband within the Courthouse. These types of items MUST be left outside of the courthouse with exceptions being granted only by the Sheriff or Chief Deputy (in writing) and presented to Court Security when entering. General exceptions are granted for employees of the various offices within the courthouse, Law enforcement and Attorneys in the performance of court duties. Court Security will not hold the items at the security station because of the volume of traffic within the courthouse. Proper attire should be worn when entering the courtroom.

Courtroom Conduct:

There is no talking or gesturing to anyone while in the courtroom. This is considered disruptive behavior and the offender will be removed from the courtroom. The presiding judge is conducting the business of the court and will call the cases before the bench in the order that has been set. Remember children have a short attention span and parents should be guided accordingly.